The setting in “A Separate Peace” is somewhat unique in the sense that some parts of it are nonfictional while others are fictional. Those parts that are nonfictional are the time period, 1942, and the state, New Hampshire. To create the setting that Knowles really wants for his novel, he creates his own school for the setting, Devon’s school for boys. This is the part of the setting that is fictional because it does not exist. This school that Knowles has created for New Hampshire within his own imagination is supposed to be a school of strict rules and orderly conduct. This is at least how it is portrayed to the general public, but on the inside it is in disorder. Rules are rarely followed and the students can get away with almost anything. Because the main part of the setting is fictional, I believe that this story could have still happened never the less. It is quite odd that Finny thought that the war was all a big hoax, but I still think that this story could have still been true. I believe this mainly because there are very many skeptics around the world that are skeptic about everything. Some people don’t believe that a man landed on the moon. Others even believe that 9/11 is a conspiracy put on by the government to tighten security in airports. So just like there are skeptics today, there could have definitely been skeptics of the war in 1942.
What “hoaxes” do people believe in today? In other words, what are some things that have truly happened that people think are not real?
some believe that 9/11 was put on by the government to tighten airport security. (I updated the post and added this example in)