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October, 2012

  1. Los Gustos y Disgustos de Mi Amigos

    October 10, 2012 by dfrazier

    A Blake le gusta correr los viernes.  A Blake le disguta la tarea todos los días.  A Blake le gusta comer a menudo.  A Blake le gusta jugar al fútbol. 

    A Blake le disguta escribir en la clase de inglés. A Blake le disgusta trabajar durante la semana.  A Blake le gusta mirar los deportes.

    A Blake le gusta tocar la música.

  2. ShowMe Project mis gustos

    October 8, 2012 by dfrazier

    I liked this project because I got to experience and handle a new program.  However, some things within this program could have been improved and because of these problems I had to restart the whole project when i was almost done the first time. This project definitely helped me learn gusto sentences a whole lot better. For instance, one thing I am now used to is putting a pronoun before almost every type of gusto sentence. Over all, I think this project was very fun and educational.

  3. My First Audioboo Recording

    October 8, 2012 by dfrazier

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